Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

To close out another record-breaking year for ISI, all employees gathered at Fino Villa in Collierville for a Christmas Party for the ages. Everyone had an amazing time with some much needed celebration for all of the hard work and effort put forth in 2010. Great job, everyone!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LMU – Duncan School of Law, Knoxville, TN

Knoxville, TN: Interactive Solutions recently designed and installed several multimedia and distance learning classrooms / Lecture Halls in the new Lincoln Memorial Duncan School of Law. The systems installed include Tandberg Video Conferencing, Crestron Control Systems, MediaSite Recording/Streaming Systems, SMART Technologies’ Interactive Equipment, and Distributed Ceiling Audio Systems.

LMU and ISI have been partners over the last several years, engaging in many A/V and Video Conferencing projects in a vast array of areas. Contact ISI for more information regarding products and services that we offer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Holidays from ISI!!!

We would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holidays on behalf of the entire staff of ISI. Check out some of the pictures from our yearly Salvation Army Angel Tree contribution. Way to go, Team ISI!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

University of Alabama Conference Rooms

Interactive Solutions Inc. has designed and integrated two Audio/Visual Video Conferencing rooms at Bidgood Hall at the University of Alabama. System capabilities include: Polycom Video Conferencing, Crestron Room Control, SMART Sympodium, Document Camera, House PC, & Push-to-Talk Microphones. The University of Alabama reached out to ISI to help connect its students in remote areas of Alabama to its main campus in Tuscaloosa. Having over 13 years of experience in Distance Learning application, ISI continues to be a market leader in bringing the latest technology to the various classrooms across the United States.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Distance Learning Center

In the summer of 2008, ISI installed a world-class Distance Learning Center as part of St. Agnes Academy’s expansion. The DLC includes a Polycom High Definition Video Conferencing System, student microphones, ten foot rear projection screen, 5.1 surround sound system, digital editing system and more.

Contact ISI for more information about the technology in the DLC, or follow this link to see how St. Agnes Academy has integrated Video Conferencing technology to enhance the learning experience of their students: